‘Planes, Trains and Automobiles’ – North East England Eastern Bloc Vehicle Weekend

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Date(s) - 25/05/2024 - 27/05/2024
All Day

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We’re back to the North East for a wonderful Bank Holiday weekend of Eastern Bloc motoring taking in more highlights of this great region!

Based in Washington, we will convoy and visit the following attractions:

    • Friday:  Meet after lunch at North East Land, Sea and Air Museum near Sunderland, with its Avro Vulcan amongst its impressive collection.  https://www.nelsam.org.uk/
    • Saturday: Convoy from our base (or meet you there) at Locomotion, Shildon, with its collection of nationally important railway locomotives including the original Rocket, Locomotion, and Sans Pareil.   http://www.locomotion.org.uk

From here we’ll convoy with a stop at Allenheads Mine (an amendment to the flyer above).  The mine isn’t generally open to the public.  We’ll have a guided walk around the village and heritage centre, with a talk about mining and geology in the area, finishing up at the pub for light refreshments.

    • Sunday: Beamish – The Living Museum of the North.  We have discounted admission and will display our vehicles within the museum itself!  A whole day won’t be enough to see all of this world class museum!   http://www.beamish.org.uk

We may not be the most unusual visitors as there’s also a steampunk rally at the same time!  Head for home when ready.


All vehicles with an Eastern Bloc pedigree are welcome for all or part of this event.

There are no fees for taking part other than venue admissions.

Interested in joining us for all or part of this event? Email: Barbara Hastings: dragonlady2810@gmail.com or for more information phone Steve: 07949 800 132