Elizabeth plays the eponymous heroine of a track called “Russian Spy” by Coventry band Eyes of Isabel.

She explains: “We went to Cars and Coffee at Coventry Transport Museum one Saturday morning and Andy McGeechan (the director) came up to me and started chatting as soon as he saw the Wartburg. We were chatting about our shared experiences of Berlin as students – he’s older than me so was lucky enough to experience it before the wall.
“We became friends on Facebook and he sent me photos of his time there and then asked if I wanted to feature in his video – he has teamed up with local group ‘Eyes of Isabel’ to make their videos!”
Elizabeth plays a spy who meets a sticky end, while on Saturday Ivor was a stern-faced border guard, checking her passport as she crossed from West to East watched from a distance by ‘Eyes,’ her minder.
Robert Cannon and Alex Cheasley brought Margot the Trabant to help create the illusion, while Hortense the 2CV lurked on the Western side of the crossing.